EntrePass holders can sponsor certain family members to come to Singapore by applying for them a Dependant’s Pass or Long Term Visit Pass.
Eligible family members for a Dependant’s Pass include:
- Legally married spouse
- Unmarried children under 21 years old (including legally adopted ones) To qualify for Dependant’s Pass application, the EntrePass holder must meet Year 2 renewal criteria.
Eligible family members for a Long Term Visit Pass include:
- Common-law spouse
- Unmarried handicapped children over 21 years old
- Unmarried step-children under 21 years old
- Parents To be eligible for these pass applications, the EntrePass holder must meet minimum annual business spending and local hiring requirements:
Family Member Minimum Annual Business Spending Local Hiring Requirements Common-law or legally married spouse, children S$100,000 3 local full-time employees or 1 local professional, manager, or executive Parents S$200,000 6 local full-time employees or 2 local professional, manager, or executive
According to MOM, a local full-time employee is a Singapore citizen or permanent resident earning at least S$1,100 monthly with 3 months of CPF contributions. A local professional, manager, or executive is a Singapore citizen or permanent resident earning at least S$3,600 monthly with 3 months of CPF contributions.
The minimum annual business spending excludes expenses like purchasing royalties or franchises, technical know-how fees from overseas, expenses due to outsourced work, and payments to EntrePass holders.